bio·phil·ia - Love of living things

Sheoak Design's mission is centred around using biophilic design principles to bridge the gap between modern living spaces and the natural world. This not only promotes healthier and more enjoyable living environments but also underscores the importance of our relationship with nature in an increasingly urbanised world.

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, 

where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.”

-John Muir-.




Residential property, Town house & Acreage



Retail, Hospitality, Office & Industrial Spaces



Education, Healthcare, Aged/Childcare & Public Spaces

Defining your Space


I will spend time with you to discover your space and your vision. I will bring ideas and questions to understand what you are trying to achieve, explore alternatives, and contribute professional perspectives. Typically this meeting will take 1-2 hours, and we will create dimension plans if necessary.



Visualising your Goal


I will create an initial design that highlights elements and solutions decided in the initial consultation. We will discuss with you these initial choices and reasons for them, and learn how you feel. Partnering with you, we will determine what stays and what needs adjusting for the final design.



Realising your Vision


We will deliver a final, thorough plan of how to transform your space into your vision. This plan details the steps, elements, and time required to complete the project. The plan also includes a list of required materials and plants, including instructions on care and maintenance. We will also discuss with you several recommended contractors who we have worked with in the past, and achieved an excellent result.

